Solutions > Enterprise

Centralised multi-store solution for business growth

Operational efficiency in a multi-store enterprise is especially challenging, even more so for a business seeking to expand its footprint. A small difference in a single store’s gross profit margin can impact its bottom line, potentially having a more pronounced impact across multiple stores.

Specialised merchandise management system

Arch Enterprise facilitates central control for greater operational efficiency and business growth. Combining ease of use with deep functionality, it provides real-time access to business intelligence across stores.

Arch Enterprise features and functionality

  • 2 main data categories – Master Data and Transactional Data

    Master Data relates to product and supplier information (the trading environment) – merchandising zones and article allocations, articles master, supplier zoning and store allocations, supplier master, debtor and customer master, campaigns, selling price automation, centralised purchase orders, and supplier/article list prices

    Transactional Data is the information recorded from retail transactions
  • Central management of the procurement cycle to ensure the business is optimally stocked – see integration with Arch eReplenish
  • Central management of the procurement cycle to ensure the business is optimally stocked
  • Central management of margins, sales prices and campaigns to maximise profits
  • Sophisticated BI (business intelligence) facilitates customised reporting and supports smart devices, allowing access from anywhere in the world